"We Can Know Ourselves Today By Observing Our Mind, Our Environment and Our Emotions" - Tiffany Millerbis We as humans have the innate ability to "think" in such a way where we have direct control over our environment. This allows us to change that which we don't desire and create that which we desire. This separates us from other life forms on this planet. Although we are of the same making and material as the rest of Nature - it's clear we are not animals, and yet, it's incredible that with our ability to perform miraculous feats of creation, we act inferior to most of Nature. This is due to the mind. Our ability to "think" is also our downfall. Let's take a walk and explore why this happens, how this happens and how we can align our mind in a more progressive way that exalts our evolution vs. destroying this unique gift. STOP AND DO THIS ... Take a moment and observe your environment, preferably while you're at home, as this depicts your private and often times hidden life. Look at the objects in your home, the placement of them, the quality of them. Is what you observe in alignment with how you want to feel when you are "home"? Now take notice of the people in this space, should you cohabit with others. What thoughts immediately come to mind? Are they positive, negative, flat? Don't make judgement upon this, just observe. Now take it to the outside world. Who's in it? What do you do? How do you feel when you're out?
Along my personal and spiritual journey, it became apparent to me that if I'm going to advance in this physical world, along with my desire to know myself Spiritually, I needed to start examining and studying my own mind outside and separate from the rest of the world. I had to take serious stock, so to speak, of what my mind was doing from moment to moment while I'm seemingly unaware of what it's doing. Needless to say, I was quite shocked at my findings. Learning my own mind was creating dialogue that typically ran against the grain of who I thought I was. It scared me to know these thoughts were ever prevalent, working their way deeper and deeper into my being. I came to the realization that it is THIS, that has entrapped my Soul from moving forward on its journey, not the outside world, although at the time, I was allowing the outside world to shape my thoughts that led to the emotions that come with it/them. It became apparent very quickly that what I allowed, what I've been allowing, to saturate my mind was NOT healthy or in alignment with who I was telling myself, and knowing myself to be. This had to change. I started to also take stock of the world around me. What are the messages out there in the world? What are the current themes running constantly through different sources that provide information and conditioning? I'm sorry to report that I find 90% of it very low resonating, negative, angry, judgemental, defeating. Hardly anything out there speaks to, nor encourages people, to "use" their MIND; Although, we are told to "open" our minds. An open mind is a vulnerable one if we don't shield it with discretion. Why? We are saturated with images and messages all the time, constantly - 24/7. I say 24/7 as we are then saturated on the unconscious level through dream, where we play out and solidify what we've seen or experienced through the day. It's as though we've handed over our most sacred and powerful tool to the powers of the outside world. Take a look at your algorithm on any social media platform and ask yourself if what you are seeing is healthy for you or not. Serious truth - what your algorithm shows you, is a mirror of what you have in your life ... plain and simple. Taking the power back of our minds is a difficult and arduous task, but it must be done if we want to understand our nature, purify our nature, advance as a Soul and a society. Once we understand what the current state of our mind is, we then understand why we experience in life what we experience. If you find yourself struggling, take a look at your own mind. This is where is starts, every-single-time. Tools to help flip the switch: 1. Journal - what doesn't come out, stays in 2. Meditate - meditate deep, dig in there and see what's going on 3. Observe your thoughts - all the time 4. Pay attention to your dreams 5. Turn your TV OFF - literally poison to the mind 6. Fill your home with things you want to see, experience and reflect your nature 7. Think Divine, Speak Divine, Act Divine 8. Throw that ego in the back seat and put it on a time out These are just basic tools that will change the way you think and feel very quickly. If you choose to open your mind at all, do it privately with yourself and then guard it with your life ... as your life depends on this work. Feel free to reach out to me should you want to explore this empowerment deeper. Every Spiritual journey, starts within the mind. It's a precious tool and one that has no limits. Lets start conditioning it the RIGHT way! Until next time - Be Well and Stay Well!!!
There came a time when the realization hit me that perhaps everything I currently believe in intellectually/emotionally/Spiritually, everything I feel, all that I've learned and adopted, how I "work" and function on basic levels ... every facet of who I think "I Am", came from an outside source. That's quite a big box to unload and one that I knew would take time unpacking, depending on how dedicated to those box/es I stay. I say boxes because once I started digging, I found, and still find, smaller boxes within boxes. I've since came across several pieces of information that suggests approximately 3% of the mind consists of pure Consciousness. The rest of the mind is made up of UN-consciousness - the things we think and do that we're not aware of, nor in control of. I like a good challenge and want to experience life in complete awareness. Instead of letting the mind dictate my life, I started using my mind as a tool of sorts, that is directed and controlled by the Consciousness. This practice is what is known as the difference of being "asleep" and the process of "Waking Up". Aware, ascended. Aware ... fully aware and awake of one's self. This is all it is. We either live with the mind controlling us, or we take control and start living in a way that is outside the norm. In fact, once realization is fully experienced, once the veil is removed, it's almost impossible to fully go back to sleep. Up until these recent years, I've taken great strides to create and experience my own belief systems. These are the ones where I've done my own searching and seeking and have taken these truths within me, put them into practice and made them mine. I'll admit these are usually things that run against the conditioning I was indoctrinated into, either purposefully, but most often than not by ignorance. The blind leading the blind. Conditioned people, conditioned me and in turn, I conditioned others. Imagine what the experience would be like to take all your beliefs about life (and yourself), including the meaning of it, and turn it upside down as if all of it was false? Every bit of it, including the beliefs you've taught yourself through the years. Even those can't be trusted at this point because your beliefs you created may be rooted, or stem from another belief system that conditioned you into this "new" one. See how twisted that gets? ... it happens quickly too. SO - I dumped it...and it's an important practice on my path because it's never ending. Over the years, I've let go of some heavy hitters in my conditioning. How I relate to people based on what I learned. How I see society based on what I've been told. I let go of the concept of GOD, because I was "told" there is one, without ever experiencing my Spirituality for myself, without experiencing god for myself. This became my number one focus because I already come with the understanding its about mind, body and Spirit. I can grasp the mind, because I experience controlling it daily ... I understand the body because well, that's what I DO for a living, but the Spirit? How does one grasp the Spirit? One can't control the Spirit, or physically touch it, like the body. It's difficult to deal with since it's seemingly invisible (or is it?). How do I go about knowing my Spirit? There are a gazillion ways to go about this trek. Books, classes, meditations, prayers, daily practices, groups, etc. - but the way to know the Spirit is to always go "IN". Inward, always inward. Go in blind and go in brave. ... because when it comes to Perception, true perception lies in the hidden secrets of the Consciousness. As we travel the narrow road of the consciousness, we start to acknowledge and find the higher truths. These truths will burn through anything we've ever been taught and told from an outside source. Perception then starts to change frequency and the mind starts to expand. The spark of the Consciousness starts to take over the conditioning. I'll share this with all of you, once you come across a Universal Truth of Creation - YOU WILL KNOW IT. There will be no doubt, and you may want to be sitting down for it when those truths hit you, because most likely, its going to be all about you and you'll need a thick skin to handle looking at yourself from this higher "perspective" - but this is where it HAS to start. We can't fix whats "out there", until we correct what is "in here"... The body is a projection and emanates (like a prism) our state of inner-wellbeing based on what is going on in our minds. No matter what state the body is in, the things we do with it and TO it, is a reflection of what is happening within our minds at any given time. Should we be living in a conscious way ... intentional and fully awake, we experience a healthy body, a relatively pain free body; a body that's working correctly without medication needed to control something. I'm not talking about needed medications due to health issues out of our control, or injuries, etc., I'm talking about the overall health of the body. Trust me when I say this, it all starts with the health and balance of the mind. We have 2 choices here ... we either allow our multiple egos to control it - born from our conditioning, often times multiple lives of conditioning, OR, we take control and allow that 3% (suggested percentage) or so of our awakened mind, our Consciousness, come to the forefront and start to cleanse away the layers upon layers of untruths. Some call this the Christ mind, the Buddha mind, the "enlightened" mind, a state of being achieved once we reach that point of living Consciousness. No longer conditioned, no longer living by questioning ourselves, no longer suffering or struggling. Once all "matter" is cleansed from our lens', we experience correct Perception. And that's pure GOLD when that happens. That takes alchemy, but doable - it's a must really. Approximately 7.8 Billion people need to wake up. That's amazing to me. Seems like such a big task, a deep task, a monumental TASK. Then I remember my job is just one of those people ... me. I AM my task. I'll do my work so that I can assist others. This is just part of my Legacy here ... but it's a good one and one I'm more than happy to do. But it starts with me, every single time. It's going to start with you as well. I trust if you're reading this, came across this somehow and somewhere, it's a calling to you. A deep and direct call. I don't believe in coincidence - due to my own experiences of coming across writings such as this and it hits me in a way that I needed to hear. So if you're reading this right now - congratulations! This message is yours should you decide to claim it. Until next time ~ Be Well and Stay Well Photo credit to: Tracie Howard from personality to personality When I think about "who am I Being?", it's a long contemplation with lists of words, mainly adjectives ... also, various emotions are invoked with this question. Who am I Being? My first reaction is to check in with my emotions and see where my sense of Peace is. Am I currently at peace? Do I feel comfortable? Am I able to clear my mind easily? Physically, is my breath deep in the lower Dantian? The answers to these questions, for me, are gauges to answer the bigger question of "Who Am I Being?" Aligning myself becomes essential when defining the Who Am I? Basically, walking a Spiritual path where my thoughts, actions/words and emotions, are moving through and with the path of the Soul to a state of Ascension. This is no small order, by any means. So the question is a very BIG multifaceted question. It demands utter transparency with myself. It calls for taking ownership of what I'm creating in this very moment, along with what I created in the prior moment ... as the prior moment and who I was in "that" moment, created who I am being right NOW and what I'm currently experiencing! Owning every particle of what I'm experiencing, with the acknowledgement that nothing and no one other than me has control over that, can be humbling and enlightening! Through the work I've been doing that inspires my personal and Spiritual growth, there comes a point where I have to stop with the input of information and actually put into practice the things I've learned to see if it rings in as A TRUTH for me. What that requires often times, is changing my PERSONALITY to reflect what it is that I wish to experience. How am I to truly know a way of Being if I don't apply those traits and attributes of that specific state - state of Spirit, state of Mind, state of Action. The Innermost, the Absolute, the undeniable breath of creation ... Consciousness, The Spirit - is the driving force. What we think of as the "I", the little person reluctantly being pushed toward what it says it wants in the picture here, is the ego. It can be the opposing force that prevents us from reaching our potential heights of who we actually are. It's so subtle at times, we don't even know there is resistance. Other times, we absolutely know where we go kicking and screaming through our Spiritual evolution. There always comes a point where I know I have to change my personality. Changing my personality becomes exciting because I get to explore what this new found vibration of Being really feels like. What can this new vibration do that the previous vibration couldn't, based on scientific and universal law of vibration, frequency and resonance. The higher the vibration, the closer to my truer self I become. By following suit, I get the opportunity to know myself better, appreciate myself more and create in ways that are unbridled and unbound by heavier "matter" while I was in a lower frequency. THIS IS THE GAME CHANGER, my dear readers. Once we decide to change our personality/mind-set, we then get to go out and decide who we are "committed to Being". Once an action is taken (thought, speech, action), this can be described as who you are committed to being ... or you wouldn't have taken action on it in the first place, no? Sometimes, its not clear what's happening. We think and believe we are taking action on outside influences, but no ... we take action stemming from who am I Being in that moment. From moment to moment, we get to choose. Lesson in action: I'm going to be doing work this week, and encourage all to do the same, as assigned by one of my teachers, Jessica Gutierrez. 3 questions were posed to ponder and get clarity on. 1. Who am I Being? 2. Who am I committed to Being? 3. Who am I? I'll allow this to be taken on as one of my "flow" sessions. This is where "I", the ego, will step aside and allow my innermost to fully take the helm to show me, teach me and guide me in answering these questions. When I write about it, I'll become remote ... remote writing is a technique where I put pen to paper and without any thought, allow myself to spill out onto the paper. It's amazing to experience this. I highly recommend trying it. This exercise is perfect for a Soul seeker like myself. It gives me a platform to take stock in where I've been hanging out. What are the common themes in my life right now and how do those frequencies resonate with my direction? Do I feel I'm heading in the direction that my heart/Soul desire? ... or am I resisting. It's important to get really clear in this area. Who Am I Committed to Being? I'm ultimately committed to Being that which has always been. I'm committed to exploring every possible opportunity that provides wholeness for my innermost. I'm committed to Being the "seeker" until there is no need to seek any longer. I'm committed to changing my Personality anytime it answers a call to a higher state of consciousness, awareness and understanding. I'm committed to releasing the matter that binds me, so that as I become more free, so do my experiences. I am committed to continue my journey of the Soul. I am committed to sharing this work with others, as we all need each other. I am committed to allowing Creation, the Absolute, to experience itself through this little person that it referred to as the "I". I AM the driving force of every experience. I AM the key in every moment of what happens next. I AM the controller in my control room. My Divinity into Yours - Be well, Stay well... |
AuthorTiffany comes from a long line of Spiritual experience and Truth seeking. Here, she shares some of her favorite topics for contemplation. Archives
July 2024