"We Can Know Ourselves Today By Observing Our Mind, Our Environment and Our Emotions" - Tiffany Millerbis We as humans have the innate ability to "think" in such a way where we have direct control over our environment. This allows us to change that which we don't desire and create that which we desire. This separates us from other life forms on this planet. Although we are of the same making and material as the rest of Nature - it's clear we are not animals, and yet, it's incredible that with our ability to perform miraculous feats of creation, we act inferior to most of Nature. This is due to the mind. Our ability to "think" is also our downfall. Let's take a walk and explore why this happens, how this happens and how we can align our mind in a more progressive way that exalts our evolution vs. destroying this unique gift. STOP AND DO THIS ... Take a moment and observe your environment, preferably while you're at home, as this depicts your private and often times hidden life. Look at the objects in your home, the placement of them, the quality of them. Is what you observe in alignment with how you want to feel when you are "home"? Now take notice of the people in this space, should you cohabit with others. What thoughts immediately come to mind? Are they positive, negative, flat? Don't make judgement upon this, just observe. Now take it to the outside world. Who's in it? What do you do? How do you feel when you're out?
Along my personal and spiritual journey, it became apparent to me that if I'm going to advance in this physical world, along with my desire to know myself Spiritually, I needed to start examining and studying my own mind outside and separate from the rest of the world. I had to take serious stock, so to speak, of what my mind was doing from moment to moment while I'm seemingly unaware of what it's doing. Needless to say, I was quite shocked at my findings. Learning my own mind was creating dialogue that typically ran against the grain of who I thought I was. It scared me to know these thoughts were ever prevalent, working their way deeper and deeper into my being. I came to the realization that it is THIS, that has entrapped my Soul from moving forward on its journey, not the outside world, although at the time, I was allowing the outside world to shape my thoughts that led to the emotions that come with it/them. It became apparent very quickly that what I allowed, what I've been allowing, to saturate my mind was NOT healthy or in alignment with who I was telling myself, and knowing myself to be. This had to change. I started to also take stock of the world around me. What are the messages out there in the world? What are the current themes running constantly through different sources that provide information and conditioning? I'm sorry to report that I find 90% of it very low resonating, negative, angry, judgemental, defeating. Hardly anything out there speaks to, nor encourages people, to "use" their MIND; Although, we are told to "open" our minds. An open mind is a vulnerable one if we don't shield it with discretion. Why? We are saturated with images and messages all the time, constantly - 24/7. I say 24/7 as we are then saturated on the unconscious level through dream, where we play out and solidify what we've seen or experienced through the day. It's as though we've handed over our most sacred and powerful tool to the powers of the outside world. Take a look at your algorithm on any social media platform and ask yourself if what you are seeing is healthy for you or not. Serious truth - what your algorithm shows you, is a mirror of what you have in your life ... plain and simple. Taking the power back of our minds is a difficult and arduous task, but it must be done if we want to understand our nature, purify our nature, advance as a Soul and a society. Once we understand what the current state of our mind is, we then understand why we experience in life what we experience. If you find yourself struggling, take a look at your own mind. This is where is starts, every-single-time. Tools to help flip the switch: 1. Journal - what doesn't come out, stays in 2. Meditate - meditate deep, dig in there and see what's going on 3. Observe your thoughts - all the time 4. Pay attention to your dreams 5. Turn your TV OFF - literally poison to the mind 6. Fill your home with things you want to see, experience and reflect your nature 7. Think Divine, Speak Divine, Act Divine 8. Throw that ego in the back seat and put it on a time out These are just basic tools that will change the way you think and feel very quickly. If you choose to open your mind at all, do it privately with yourself and then guard it with your life ... as your life depends on this work. Feel free to reach out to me should you want to explore this empowerment deeper. Every Spiritual journey, starts within the mind. It's a precious tool and one that has no limits. Lets start conditioning it the RIGHT way! Until next time - Be Well and Stay Well!!!
AuthorTiffany comes from a long line of Spiritual experience and Truth seeking. Here, she shares some of her favorite topics for contemplation. Archives
July 2024