The number of paths to enlightenment are countless
... no one path is better than the other; yet there are some very contrasting paths compared to the "straight" path, so spoken about in almost every sacred text, religion, spiritual sect, or truth seeker out there right now. Before this piece goes further, I have to remind myself of the truth that my very next experience stems from how I'm thinking NOW...right now, what I say NEXT and what my actions are going to be. So if my goal is to experience something different in the very next moment, I have to look behind me to see where I was and ask the question of whether I want that to be my next experience. I also have to assess where I'm at spiritually, emotionally and mentally, right now. Right NOW is the very key moment of creation, it is also where we find the "straight path", the "razors edge". This is IT's "core", it's where the tools one has accumulated up to this point, are available all in one place. I am the only one who has access and permission to use them when it comes to creating my very next moment. No one controls 'that very next moment' except myself, the Consciousness part of myself. Depending on the tools I choose to use, this will shape the next nano-second of Creation. It happens THAT fast. Reminding myself I am Sovereign, helps navigate my path. I've learned to side-step away from wasting my spiritual time by following pathways down rabbit holes of spiritual teachings, teachers, gurus, religions, sects, cults, etc. - and the worst of the worst - Spiritual Cons. Not a very high resonating frequency, for sure ... especially amongst those who created it for the 'soul' purpose to divert people away from themselves, their path and their purpose. The best way to identify these groups or people, is to THINK. Every seeker has their own path and being sovereign allows the freedom to explore whatever it is we want. It's a beautiful freedom we have, and powerful when it comes to our growth. Every detail in every given moment is created by the individual ... every single detail of the experience. I can't think of any better moment than to utilize the tool of CRITICAL THINKING other than Right Now. Two GREAT questions to ask yourself when someone in spiritual authority, or in casual conversation like we have here in this blog piece, is talking to you are these: 1. Why am I being told this? 2. Where did they hear/learn it? ... a tag question I like to ask also, is, "How have you personally applied this information or lesson/s?" Based on the answers, I then learn how educated, or not, they are on the subject of what they speak, along with the depth, or not, of their experiences on the topic. This helps me navigate how much credit I should give with what is being shared. Often times, unfortunately, individuals are rehashing spiritual material they've read, learned or heard from someone else without EVER applying the material to themself. Here, they have missed the whole journey! How can someone know what a truth is when they don't apply it to themselves first to determine whether it's "Their" truth or not? What's even more noticeable, is they speak about spiritual matters with so much conviction, it's easy for most to just go along with the program. The excitement, passion and sometimes ... persuasion, can pull an individual down roads they have no place being. Although, this is part of a journey for the seeker too - following blindly before one has Spiritually matured to start asking those hard questions, before the seeker starts to put into practice what is being delivered to explore if it's their truth or not. But let us learn discretion now! I highly encourage the questions, especially when you find yourself excited in what you are hearing. THIS is when discretion is most critical. I've put many "beliefs" to bed by exploring them thoroughly, and realizing it may be a truth?, but it's not MY truth. It's not part of MY path. Very helpful in navigation of the Soul journey. OK I'll close this entry with something I read the other day - ENJOY!
AuthorTiffany comes from a long line of Spiritual experience and Truth seeking. Here, she shares some of her favorite topics for contemplation. Archives
January 2025