A Perspective on healing/growing I've known about "Manifestation" and the plethora of definitions, the many perspectives, all the "how to's", to the point where I lost interest for many years. The subject became redundant, the information rehashed. Some of you may relate to this? However, it still runs the whole spectrum of groups currently in existence. We find this subject matter within our communities, spoken through our community leaders, our family/friends circles, even in ourselves. So I began to take a different look at it ... I then experienced it first hand. Now THAT was a "Ah-Ha" moment.
...and I'm going to share what I learned. 2020/Pandemic Year - I've been fortunate in that 2020 brought me the opportunity to tune in and dig deep within myself. I haven't ever, I don't think, been given circumstances that allowed me to grow and heal so much. Growth happened. Spiritual expansion and understanding - HAPPENED. Looking back through the year thus far, I can see clearly where Manifestation played a dynamic role in my life - self created, due to the will-ingness on my part. I learned how to create on a different level this year. While waist deep in healing work this year - AND THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO SHARE - I realized when I focused on a specific issue, or several at a time, this healing experience produced and magnified more of the same experience/s that caused me pain. I'm grateful I recognized this...as I kept wondering, "why does this keep happening?" or "Why am I dealing with this again? I thought it was already healed". Can you relate to this? I'd always figured that "stuff" coming up was part of the healing process, which is true; this is part of the healing process. What I realized though, it's a bit like Pandora's Box - my focus on healing was actually creating these "new" situations, that again, mirrored my pain. It wasn't happening outside of myself, although this is where I experienced it...tangible in an odd sort of way. I went deeper with this phenomenon ... the "I" aspect of myself created this situation with a different face, or in a different place. WHOA!!!! At this point, my jaw dropped and I had to admit, this was a definition of the word MANIFEST aka CREATION, I'd never thought of before. It gave me absolute clarity to what was happening. I could not deny my mind had a role to play here. Some of these things were happening BECAUSE of me. Just wow. Humble Pie?...anyone? This realization gave me a tremendous amount of power and control over what I want to experience and HOW I want to experience it. I'll take it as a gift - yes indeed. Everyone experiences places within themself that needs healing. We are constantly in different states of mind, often times all at once. With that, our focus is essential to obtain the goal, so we ARE going to have to rehash old habits, look at our behaviors and our conditioning. It's going to be a natural process to create more of the same until we obtain an understanding on how to release the root, at least get comfortable with whatever ails our hearts, to where it isn't a part of our daily lives, nor affecting our future any longer. While moving through all that this year, I've also been in a space, blessedly so, to be able to create new experiences, and witness these things being born outside of me - some are even blossoming right now...and it feels FANTASTIC! It feels like a victory in a year filled with an unknown virus (scientists are still trying to becomes masters over this thing. Hats off to them), wild fires, civil unrest, politic nightmares, economic distress and all the others things that just don't feel good right now. This is the point where I asked myself how much time I need to give to my healing process?, knowing I will manifest situations that parallel the original pain. The glory in this though, is now I know what's happening and I have a new found freedom in controlling what manifests. I also get to dedicate my time toward building my future legacy ... as Legacy has come up a lot this year - that story is for another post though. For this post ... I decided I'm going to experiment by applying the 80/20 Rule. I'm going to focus 80% of my precious time on creating my future legacy, and 20% on the healing process, because let's face it, healing old wounds HAS to be done. This will challenge my thinking in any given moment, as thoughts tend to be flighty, mine are at times anyway. Watching and checking in with my thoughts has gotten much easier and has started to become second nature. I've always been a participant of the different "watch your thoughts" clans out there roaming the planet. Try it for 2 weeks yourself and observe what happens when you are paying attention to your thoughts and the frequency of them. What's the percentage/s of time you give to each thought stream and what are the patterns you notice? You can then determine if this is what you want to be: A. Focusing on - as this will manifest your experience in the very next moment. OR B. Change the focus toward your goals and manifesting, perhaps, your own legacy! Your personal power lies in getting to choose which one. There's room for both, or perhaps you need to determine the balance of each one depending on what your goal is. I feel you get what is being said here... Create your own percentage that addresses both, but to where you experience more of the Legacy energy than you do the painful healing process (which again, just NEEDS to be done). Seriously - and it ain't no funz, neither. I encourage one just do it! ... ... for the sake of yourself and humanity. I'll close this entry out by saying, manifestation has my attention once again. I'll keep you posted on how this progresses...
Thomas Yarbrough
10/10/2020 13:50:22
Inspiring and mindful. I will try out tracking my thought patterns to help me choose my focus, so I can better manifest my legacy.
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AuthorTiffany comes from a long line of Spiritual experience and Truth seeking. Here, she shares some of her favorite topics for contemplation. Archives
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