WHAT SPELLS ARE YOU CASTING? ... when you address yourself or speak of others, or when you make decisions to experience life a certain way? The people you allow in your life, the material you read, the information coming through the TV set, music you listen to; How is this Creating your experience?...or better yet, the illusion of your reality?
If I'm going to be a voice in the crowd ... speaking with absolute intention when I do?, becomes a very conscious effort to stay aware with my choice of words. Words/Sounds, vibrate at a frequency (basic science), and this frequency has an effect on the receiving end. I understand what I share, either in written form or verbally, will ripple to a receiving party. By keeping my words as close to my values and morals as possible, I ensure an effort is taken to create a favorable outcome - yet I also realize, I have no control over the interpretation once it travels through the layers of filtering on the receiving end. So "tricky" to navigate at times... The written word has tremendous POWER! We all know this, yet rarely stay aware of it. Examples of this power can be found in places like our Holy Books and scriptures of all cultures. Here in the US, this power is found in our Constitution. Written contracts (a type of "binding" spell), such as bank loans, licenses, certificates, etc. also pack a tremendous amount of power. The written word takes an initial thought and manifests it by way of "Spelling". When we think, we are actually creating with the power of our intention. Once it's spoken or written, the action of conjuring becomes manifest! To us in our daily lives, this is just something we do naturally, without much thought. We are unaware of what's happening though. We learned how to "spell" in elementary school and we've been spelling ever since. So let's explore it ... I like this passage from John: John 6:63 "The words I have spoken to you are both Spirit and Life" This is what we're going to look at, as this passage sums up what is happening when we speak or write. I am going to call it by an old term - MAGIK (Spirit, life, energy, creation, miracles). I'm able to use this word without getting riled over whether this is a good word or a bad word, nor do I identify myself with the stereotype persona that accompanies this word. I'm merely ME, no label attached. Many will shy away, still to this day, as we've been conditioned to think Magik and Spelling is a sin (taboo'ish at a minimum), although we perform it 24/7. With that said, this blog piece isn't to dive into whether magik or spelling, conjouring, mantra, singing or prayer is sinful or not - This piece is meant to explore the power of what we say and think. A wake-up call perhaps. A loooong overdue wake-up call. "The word “spell” comes from the Proto-Germanic “spellan”, meaning “to tell”, which in turn gave rise to the Old English “spellian” and then “spell”. The first recorded instance of spell, being used to indicate writing or reciting the individual letters of a word, was in the early 15th century. It would later be given the meanings “incantation” (late 16th century) and “to take the place of” (early 18th century)." - pulled from several sources on the internet. Of course written communication dates back further than the 15th century, thousands of years actually. With the most Enlightened intentions, we use words in prayer, chanting, singing and positive speech. The frequency level, stemming from a high vibrational wave, creates a moment in time which dictates the next moment, manifested from the moment prior - and usually causes a really good feeling for the person/s. Be aware then, we create this way utilizing low vibrating frequencies too - creating the next moment on the foundation of what?....low frequency. This is the answer to the old question of, "Why should I watch my thoughts?" ... and should, in my opinion, be the very first lessons to master for anyone choosing to explore a Spiritual path. Control of the mind is number one and the most difficult journey to master...but this is where it must start. As a Practitioner and Coach, I'm trained to "listen" to what my clients speak. I listen to what they say about themselves, what they say about their lives, their body, friends, family and work. I pay attention to the frequency of their words and overall demeanor. This assists me when I evaluate someone's energy. If a client comes in and states, "I'm a mess" ... there is a powerful energy that resonates from these words. I encourage a different persective of speech. An example would be: Client: "My body is a mess and completely screwed up". ...the language that's encouraged for healing is this: Me: "Thank you body, for holding me together this long and showing me the strength and determination you have for my life. Thank you for protecting me, you have done such a beautiful job". Are you able to sense the difference in energy between these two statements? The first statement is constrictive, often times showing in the physical body when someone arrives at my studio. The second statement however, is much softer and forgiving. The second statement is an acknowledgement of the self, with gratitude and COMPASSION. Often times, a person will take a deep breath hearing the softer version, as they realize YES, absolutely their body has been doing beautiful work at keeping it together. So I'd like to invite you to watch your thoughts. For one week, follow and be aware of what you are thinking in any given moment. Call it self exploration week. What to do: 1. Keep a notebook next to you to track reoccurring thoughts and patterns. Also note how those thoughts make you feel. 2. Try to find an alternative way to think about something that makes it softer, or more forgiving (like the example I gave above). 3. "Think" how you want to feel and then make a list of actions that will give you this feeling. 4. Stay aware of your tone with yourself and with other people. 5. Control your mind, always and in All-Ways. Remember, you are casting spells in every moment. I call them spells and recognize them as spells, because the word "spell" in and of itself, holds power. Just think how this word makes you feel and you will understand what I'm saying here. Spells are neither "good" or "bad", spells just use the Universal power that is already accessible to every one and every thing. We, as creators, can use this energy in a state high or low frequency. It's time to raise the bar ... and it starts with the spells we cast against ourselves. Self awareness and also self accountability. Much love to you. Be Well and Stay Well.
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AuthorTiffany comes from a long line of Spiritual experience and Truth seeking. Here, she shares some of her favorite topics for contemplation. Archives
January 2025